Other Applications
ISOTECH SPRAYFOAM has worked with media and exhibition companies to successfully create a wide variety of rigid foam structures.
The versatility of sprayed foam can be amazing. A basic structure is provided using metal, timber or scaffolding and clad with building paper or muslin depending on the effect required. The two-part foam from our mobile rig is reacting as it is sprayed and produces a tough rigid coating within seconds.

Our record of customer satisfaction and continuing commercial success is based on high standards of personal attention from initial visit to final contract completion.
The material is based on a CFC free two component foam supplied to us by the most respected manufacturers in the industry.
It has a Class 1 surface spread of flame rating and conforms to all relevant British standards.
We have developed a close working relationship with the technical services department of our suppliers and they are pleased to be involved when additional information and advice is required.
Data sheets, COSHH assessments and Isotech’s Health and Safety Policy and site-specific RAMS are always available. All our employees have CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) accreditation.
The material is processed through a Gusmer proportioning pump fitted in our van. This machine is driven by compressed air from our towed compressor and requires an electricity supply to power switches and the internal heater block.

The flow of the rising foam seals gaps in the structure and has exceptional bonding characteristics. The closed cell foam sets hard in minutes with a core density of 32-36 Kg/m3.
Slow rise injection foams are ideal for filling inaccessible spaces such as in this instance where there was a requirement to maintain a dry environment in the void around the base of the legs of the structure of the Heathrow Terminal 5 main building during and after the construction phase whilst still allowing for a small degree of movement.
The resin component in this system contains far less of the catalyst constituents that accelerate the sprayed foam systems, providing for a slower cream and cure time which in turn facilitates this slightly denser 40-42 Kg/m3 material to be injected into voids that would otherwise be inaccessible.
There are an endless variety of applications for this material in the construction and creative sectors. Please contact-us us if you have a project for which you wish to discuss the suitability.